Lawrence Chen, D.P.M.

Lawrence Chen, D.P.M. is a multi-lingual highly trained licensed foot and ankle surgeon dedicated to providing and improving patient care through interdisciplinary team approach. Specialized in limb salvage, wound care, and forefoot/ rearfoot reconstruction. Highly knowledgeable of the diagnosis and treatment of multiple disease states and infectious disease complications through conservative and surgical means.

Podiatric Education

  • Undergraduate degree from The University of California San Diego
  • Doctor of Podiatric Medicine from California School of Podiatric Medicine, Oakland, CA
  • Podiatric Surgical Residency
    • University Hospitals, Cleveland, Ohio


  • ACFAS Great Lakes Region Award
  • APMSA Student of the Year – CSPM
  • Dean Scholarship of Podiatry
  • APMA – Seward P. Nyman, DPM Memorial Fund
  • Kaiser Permanente Foot and Ankle Summit Poster Competition Scholarship
  • Desert Foot & Ankle Poster Conference – Third place
  • Podiatric Medicine Education Advisory Committee – California Foundation for Excellence

Personal Interests

  • Golf, swimming, snowboarding, tennis

陳醫生是個灣區足科醫生, 他治療所有足部和腳踝的疾病. 包含: 小孩及大人運動傷害, 糖尿病潰瘍,幼兒八字腳, 厚指甲, 厚繭, 厚皮, 姆囊炎, 扁平足矯正, 指甲內長, 指甲外翻, 指甲溝炎, 指甲病痛, 灰趾甲, 足部畸形, 痛風, 皮膚癬, 神經痛, 糖尿病潰傷, 槌狀趾, 足底筋膜炎, 扁平足, 淋巴水腫, 和足腱炎.

陳醫生精通重建腳跟和腳踝手術以及創傷的治療. 他會聽並說流利的中文, 待人親切. 陳醫生接受大部分的保險, 他歡迎新病人並期待與您會面.